Saturday, May 1, 2010

FINAL WEEK - Week 6 - FACEBOOK - Yeehaa!!!

I found this interesting link by iLibrarian about how people are using Facebook, the data is dated (2007), but it is interesting nonetheless. There is also an article about opting out of fb's instant personalization. (April 2010) Scary stuff, it makes me want to end my other fb page. However, I have made a fb page as TeAo Ataahua. Right-te-o, now what were the requirements for this week? I've posted a comment on Manukau Libraries fb about what 'book/magazine' I'm reading right this minute...LOL; what person who works in a library has only one book on the go?? Really?? I was also to find another library and look at the updates that they make. A blog 'by librarians and for librarians' called 'The room of infinite diligence,' led me to Tararua Library . This library has many links to interesting articles such as the usual 'haps in libraries,' council annual plans, author of the week, book reviews, no more bebo, a librarian getting her first aid cert, and the coming of ebooks. One article that I found interesting was how in Baltimore US, patrons order groceries (from the library) and they are delivered the next day to the library LOL. Ooky dookys, in order to answer the rest of the questions I'm to use points;
  • fb can (and does) help me keep in contact with my huge whanau, worldwide.
  • Our public library fb can be used in much the same way as it is now, by sharing information between those of us who work in libraries and/or our customers.
  • I have a personal page already, so it was easy to use and I continue to use it.
  • A lot of our customers already use fb, and as yet I haven't been asked about fb. I'm sure our customers will get as much out of fb as many users do at this time. Such as keeping in contact with whanau and friends. As well as the sharing of information, and yes I would promote our page to customers because we do have many customers that would like to be kept up to date with the haps in our libraries.
Ok, so that is the final week and facebook is finished with...yeehaa!!! I've had to really fly through 2.0 because I've got so much on during May, June and July and didn't want to miss out on this awesome learning experience. Because as much as I really enjoy (playing with) my computer, watching DVD's and reading, LEARNING IS MY PASSION.


tosca said...

Look at you! That was the last activity for this tutorial :) All that's left to do is write up your final post summarising your thoughts about it all and then, when the survey link is up in week 4, completing that. I follow Tararua District Libraries on Twitter - they showcase some great ways in reaching their customers in a digital sense and it really is quite inspiring. You've embraced this tutorial with an open mind, and it very clearly shows. Congratulations!

Otara.Ataahua said...

Thanks heaps Catatonia, will get onto the summing up in a bit... I really don't like to think of the 'final post.' :( So I'll zip that out and then dawdle towards the end, whilst visiting everyone else :)

Anonymous said...

Grats on completion! omg i have to make a new facebook page ><